Thursday, April 16, 2015

What are tonsil stones?

What are tonsil stones?
tonsil stones

The type of stone that forms in the body that you are probably more familiar with are kidney stones. But did you know that if you don't practice proper oral hygiene, stones can form on your tonsils as well? And much like the former, they can be quite a hassle to have as not only do they make your mouth look like a deplorable sight to behold, but they also give you halitosis, aka bad breath! But what exactly are tonsil stones, or as they medically known, tonsillitis? Why do they form specifically on your tonsils? What are the best and safest ways to remove them? All the answers to these questions provided in this article.

What causes tonsil stones to form?

If you will observe your tonsils carefully, you will see that has plenty of craters, nooks and crannies in which bacteria and other undesirable organic particles could settle and could prove to be difficult to excise. The longer they stay there, the more they would just tend to pile up as you take in food while neglecting to clean your mouth. They start becoming more apparent over time, manifesting themselves as white buildups on the surface of your tonsils. And when these deposits start to harden, it is only then that they become full-fledged tonsil stones. 

Poor mouth hygiene is not the sole reason why tonsil stones form, though, as people who are prone to tonsillitis or those who are suffering from post nasal drip have a high chance to get them as well. 

How to get rid of tonsil stones?

The good thing is there are numerous treatments that you can choose from to fully remove any type of tonsil stone formation that has formed in your mouth. Another good news is that most cases of tonsilloliths go away on their own. But if you want to speed up the process or remove the buildups yourself, here are the best methods to practice:  

1.) Gargle with a salt-water solution - This is undoubtedly the easiest and cheapest way to mitigate tonsil stones. Not only does the salt water help sterilize your mouth and ease the discomfort that often accompanies this condition, but the act of gargling could also extricate the deposits as well.

2.) Use a water pick - However, we are going to tell you outright that you have to exercise the greatest care when using a water pick. As much as possible, use the weakest setting first so as not to do more damage to your tonsils (they are very sensitive and fragile, after all.) Aim the water pick at the tonsil stones and try to use the stream of water to remove them. You may need to use a swab of cotton to pick each stone that has been dislodged out. 

3.) Take antibiotics - Antibiotics are the only medical measure proven to be effective in treating tonsil stones. They are just a temporary solution, though, as they are not essentially treating the root cause of the problem. You may need to consult your physician as well before deciding on using antibiotics, as they are not without serious side effects.

A more drastic option to consider would be to have your tonsils surgically removed, as without tonsils, where else could the stones form? If you want to have every part of your body intact as much as possible, though, this may not be viable choice for you. In the end, the best way to guard your body against tonsil stones is through prevention. And, of course, the best preventive step to take is to practice good oral hygiene and being mindfu ofl the kinds of food that you take in.

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